неділя, 24 січня 2016 р.

How to teach grammar!

10 ways to … teach grammar

 1. ONE: Don`t teach it Try using the target structure, preferably about yourself , and give your learners texts where they see it in several contexts . In a later lesson, create situations where it is natural for learners to use it . Then, when they use it ( with prompting if necessary ) , they have learned it without you ‘teaching ‘ it . 

2. TWO: Avoid negative messages Why ? Because to class Q , unconsciously, through my body language and my voice, I gave the message ”The Past Perfect is difficult; even I think it`s difficult ; therefore you will make mistakes using it “. And the learners , obligingly , made mistakes. 

 3. THREE : Learner discovery Give your learners texts where the grammar point occurs three or more times .Write the form on the board , eg. had – ed . Do nothing else . Students ( in pairs ) search the texts and simply underline the grammar point wherever they find it .In fours students read out the examples they have found , and talk about what they think are its meaning and usage. Encourage students to write new sentences which are true about themselves , using the new structure .Learner discovery is often quicker and more memorable than ‘teaching ‘ .

 4. FOUR : Suggestopedia While your learners are relaxed , you read a text aloud, in time with the slow movements of music .The text contains five or more examples of the grammar point. Your learners have the text .You read it aloud again in a more natural voice .Give students eight minutes quietly to focus specifically on the grammar point ( as in Three ) . Then initiate activities where students use the structure about themselves. 

 5.FIVE : Delegation Say: “ You four , for homework , read the next unit in the coursebook. We haven`t done it yet . Here`s the grammar book as well .Prepare to teach the class the grammar point in the first ten minutes of the lesson tomorrow.” 

6. SIX : The same text Use the same outline text for each new tense , eg. I get up at 6 am . I wash . I dress . I have breakfast. Change only the tense. Students write the changed text so they have many versions of the same text with only grammar changed . This is excellent for revision. 

7. SEVEN : Different texts Use totally different flamboyant examples for students to associate with different structures .Extreme images are more memorable and they may help students avoid confusing different tenses. 

8. EIGHT : Personalised texts After you have presented a grammar point in a context chosen by you , students create individual and personalized texts and examples which are more likely to have stronger memorable associations for them . 

9.NINE : Total Physical Response Say and act your chosen text with a volunteer. Then you say the text while your volunteer acts ; you speak and the whole class acts ;they all speak and you act ; in pairs, A speaks and B acts. Finally they write it .

 10 .TEN : Transformed recycling Initiate a whole- class discussion. During the discussion make quick notes as to who said what .Before the next lesson write a text the content of which is who said what , but the form of which uses lots of examples of the grammar point you want the class to learn , eg. passives, if clauses , reported speech, etc. Let students have the text ( photocopies on big sheets of paper on the wall. Read it aloud while the students see the text .They are confident and interested because the text is about them .In this positive frame of mind they understand and learn ( passively ) the new grammar .http://marchukvhly.blogspot.com/p/blog-page.htmlHow to teach grammar!